Local Day and Time

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Operation christmas Child

Recently we found out that Operation Christmas child was passing out boxes near our town, so we decided to take a day off of home school and help out. For years, through our church back in the states, we would make boxes to send, but this year we were given the opportunity to hand out the gifts being sent! Here is a video of our time with the kids.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

A few updated pictures

Here are a few pictures. Sorry we haven't posted for a while but we have been busy with homeschooling, language lessons, and just living in a place where it takes a long time to get things done.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Pictures from Greece

Here are a few pictures from our great time in Greece.

Asher's birthday Party

Here is a clip of Asher blowing out his birthday candles.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Some Recent Events

Since the last time we posted, a few things have happened.

  • We had a chance to go around the local High School and briefly speak to classes to promote the leadership training camp we put on in July. It was fun! I think it was the first time we've spoken with a translator.

  • Last week we were driving in the rain from our city to the capital city about an hour and a half away. Around the halfway point we got our FIRST FLAT TIRE!! How fun! We got to change it in the rain! We did get a little help though (see picture).

  • The other day a local friend of ours came over to talk about a house we were looking to rent. He was suppose to see us earlier in the day, but was delayed several hours because he went to the doctor to get some medicine for his sore back and shoulder. He wasn't sure how it happened, but when he got to the house he was still in tremendous pain! So, I (Simon), had him lay down on the floor and I "CRACKED" his back! Five minutes later he was declaring that he was CURED!! I guess that is what you call the "Gift of Healing".

  • And finally PTL!!! We have found a house rent! - Pictures and video to come later.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Travel the Road

Take a trip in our jeep with us!

More Pictures

Here are some more pictures from our adventures.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Peanutbutter surprise

There are alot things that we can not get here like we can in the states. One of them is peanutbutter. They have a fresh roasted nut shop on every other corner, but no peanutbutter. Every country has there own staple food. Hummus, vegamite, yougart(that's here), salsa to name a few. Have you heard, neccessity is the mother of invention. I decided to break out the food processor and make some from scratch. Checked the internet for recipes, and went to work. It looked good for a while but it seemed to go arye when I added a little too much of something. Having determined to be a good steward and not throw out this tastey but miscongielled mixture, added a little more sugar, eggs, flour, chocolate. To top it all off, coco crispies. As the grease simmered on the top of this hopeful treat, I decided it was a definite treat to share, since I would have jumped a dress size if we kept it just for the family. Success......It was delicious. We took it to a fellowship of internationals where all the kids and adults alike gobbled it up. Boy, is my waistline grateful.

Chiz Burger

So we have been here for 3 full weeks now. Last Friday, we decided to go out to dinner for the first time as a family. Every one placed an order for what we thought we be our favorites. Margarita pizza(Cheese pizza), chicken burger, french fries, and a chiz burger(cheese burger). The food started to arrive, one by one, as it came hot from the kitchen. Asher's and Chloe's chiz burgers were the last to come. Lifting the lid of the bun to inspect, Asher and Chloe had a big surprise. There used to be an advertisement that Wendy's put out, some of you can already guess...."Where's the Beef?". Asher's face....priceless. Just goes to show you don't always get what you ask for.

Candy Necklace

So, we have some new friends. They have 2 children . A boy, 8 and a girl, almost 4. Both of which , by most standards are a handful, but sweet. We had a visit at our home and the girls shared a candy necklace with her. These are old familiar favorites to us, but she needed a little demonstration, since she had never seen one before. Her eyes got big in amazement as the girls pulled the stretchy necklace and bit off a sweet treat. Oh joy! Well, we had a late lunch with them this past Sunday,and another game of charades, since there is still a language barrier. As we sat conversing, the little girl lunged at Asher, teeth exposed and chomping, grappling for the pooka shell necklace that he was wearing. Asher could not understand why she was so intistent on getting his necklace. The mother laughed a little and explained that her daughter thought it was another candy necklace and was determined that Asher would share. We all had a pretty good roar. I still laugh now. It was quite a visual. Love to all.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

We are here!!!!!

Here are a few pictures of our surroundings and a video clip of our first visit with a local family that knew little English.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Saying Good-Bye to Friends

It was a tremendous blessing to be able to spend a couple of hours with some old friends from Connecticut! We had a great meal then played outside for a while.

Thanks, Anton, for the dinner!!!! You and your family ROCK!

Thanks, Cindy, for bringing the boys! We will miss all of you guys!

Farewell Fire

Near the end of our time in Virginia there was time of fellowship and cooking s’mores. The kids had a great time!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Obedience Song

Here is the girls singing a song they learned at training.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Visit to Washington CD

Here are some images from our visit to Washington DC.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Kids playing

Pictures of the kids.

Time at the Farm

After thinking about it and hoping to start it, we have finally got a site setup!!!

We have been going through orientation to learn how to live overseas. We have learn alot about handling culture shock and staying safe. The kids are having fun meeting new friends and are looking forward to see their Uncle and Aunt in Boston in a couple of weeks.