Local Day and Time

Monday, May 7, 2007

Peanutbutter surprise

There are alot things that we can not get here like we can in the states. One of them is peanutbutter. They have a fresh roasted nut shop on every other corner, but no peanutbutter. Every country has there own staple food. Hummus, vegamite, yougart(that's here), salsa to name a few. Have you heard, neccessity is the mother of invention. I decided to break out the food processor and make some from scratch. Checked the internet for recipes, and went to work. It looked good for a while but it seemed to go arye when I added a little too much of something. Having determined to be a good steward and not throw out this tastey but miscongielled mixture, added a little more sugar, eggs, flour, chocolate. To top it all off, coco crispies. As the grease simmered on the top of this hopeful treat, I decided it was a definite treat to share, since I would have jumped a dress size if we kept it just for the family. Success......It was delicious. We took it to a fellowship of internationals where all the kids and adults alike gobbled it up. Boy, is my waistline grateful.

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